HARRY and the Lady Next Door

 I read this book. In this story, the main character is a cute dog called Harry. Harry is very annoyed by the high singing voice a neighbor's woman makes when practicing songs. So Harry tries to get the woman next door to stop that singing voice. While doing that, Harry heard another soothing sound. It's a cow's moaning voice. It was a low tone and soft, and Harry had a calming voice. Harry also met the fire department's band. The fire brigade had many interesting musical instruments. So Harry came up with an idea. And I did it. He grabbed the leader's stick and rushed into his high-pitched singing woman's house. Naturally, the members of the fire brigade's band followed Harry while playing. Harry has arrived at the women's house. And he sat still there. Harry tried to interrupt the singing voice of the woman by the good performance of the band in the fire department. But in reality, he couldn't do that and Harry gets angry at the leader of the band. Harry sadly spent the night alone in a kennel. After that, a song contest was held. That woman was supposed to sing in the contest. What will happen after that? Can Harry stop the female singing voice?

 I read this story and became fond of the cute behavior of the dog called Harry. Harry is a dog trying to be honest with his thoughts, so I read it with excitement. Please read it too!




My Words 5

Biscuit Goes to School