Biscuit Goes to School

Amazon | Biscuit Goes to School (My First I Can Read) | Capucilli ...

A girl had her dog "Biscuit." She may be elementary school. When she tried to get the school bus, she told Biscuit,
"Stay here, Biscuit."
Therefore he stayed there. However, he couldn't stand for purchasing her. He was running a park, and he arrived at her school!!! 
He wanted to do basketball because many children was playing through basketball. Also, he wanted to hear a story because he saw a teacher was reading books. He went to cafeteria. He looked for her. At last he found her. She was very surprised. Before the next lesson, she hurriedly hid the dog in her backpack so she couldn't find her dog.
But the biscuit wanted to meet the teacher and tried to get out of her backpack!
Read the book and enjoy the rest.

I love this cute dog!



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